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Friday 31 January 2014

Feature is NOT visible in SharePoint 2013 - newly migrated from SharePoint 2010

One of the client they migrated their intranet from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013. So I develop couple of new features (SharePoint Feature) and deployed to new environment but it was not listing in Site Collection and Web level features sections.

So after doing some investigation what I found that the version of their portal was 14 (which SharePoint 2010 version).  So to make your Features available in Site Collection or Web level features list, you have to modify your SharePoint Product version as shown below:

Expand your package as shown in below image:


Double click on the Package.package item highlighted above and open properties window as shown below:


Change the version to 14.0 for SharePoint Product Version and deploy your solution and install feature using below PowerShell command:

Install-SPFeature <FeautreName> -CompatibilityLevel 14 –force

Where <FeatureName> should be replaced with Feature directory name or Feature Guid you have.

Hope that helps.